Picture this: you come into work, only to find a sizeable puddle in the basement of your business. Your heart sinks a little, and perhaps your blood pressure spikes in disbelief. This can't be happening! But alas, it is.
None of this is good—water damage in any form is bad news for your business. Those priceless files and that untouchable inventory must be restored with alacrity. So, let's talk about you and your front-line experience. With that understanding comes an appreciation of the main point in your story: this is uncomfortable business, and we say that without any attempt at disingenuous empathy.
Imagine this: the underground of a bustling restaurant, packed full of supplies and equipment, water heater included, and it's being a good little appliance.
Until it isn't.
Until it decides to burst.
Not long after that, any number of the thousands (thousands, I tell you!) of chaotic restaurant components that could be part of a water-damage scenario starts doing what they do.
Which is to say: not a great scene, folks.
But wait—no. Not just wait. On our part, we use the experience of a thousand (okay—that's an approximation) kitchen fires, a million (certainly more than that) water rescues, and some exercises in Futility: The Laundryside Job, to picture what's happening, what's going to happen, and what needs to happen next.
Dining establishments, business offices, retail outlets—they are all different. But if there is one common thread that connects them, it is their excessive susceptibility to basement water damage. The diagnosis and treatment of the wet basement in a restaurant, office, or store are anything but routine, and why should they be? Every business is different, and so are the situations that lead to, and the aftermath that follows, basement water damage. Maybe it's a leaking pipe, maybe an overflowing toilet, or maybe it's basement flooding caused by too much rain in too little time. Whatever the cause, your business is our business, and so is your peace of mind.