Picture this: you awake to the soft, gurgling sound of water, only to discover an unexpected indoor pond in your basement.
It happens more often than you'd think, and unfortunately, with wet floors come the unwelcome guests—mold.
Here at Urgent Water Damage Restoration Spokane, we understand that water damage is a little surprise that no one wants. Whether it's the bad smell that just won't go away, or the sneaky discoloration that appears after the furniture is moved, mold is very good at appearing unnoticed. And then—surprise!—it appears in complete view and somehow with the same amount of space it took to hide its ugly self before.
Here are a few different types of mold that you might find during this (un)welcome surprise:
Imagine this situation: you’re welcoming the family for dinner, and everything is right with the world, when Aunt Maggie stares off into space for a second and then says, "Is this house supposed to have a fresh, breathable smell?" It's not. And this too, as with any number of potentially awkward family encounters, is why we maintain the practice of not just serving what homes need but saying what kind of serving it is—that's the art of remediation, right there. And we don't even know Aunt Maggie, yet somehow we feel for her and her uncanny ability to sniff out basement mold.
We understand that you want to say goodbye to mold, and we treat that like a parting with morning coffee: something that takes some finagling but is very doable. When you breathe in your own home, it should feel like the inhalation of a sacred space—and mold can meddle with that. Not us: we're not swooping in with plans that fit only our narrative. If we have a plan, it's one that has room enough to also fit yours. And what's more, we have tools and do hear from you when you need to talk.