When a fire has touched your home, a storm of feelings swirls around you. The sight of blackened walls and that persistent smokey stench are enough to try anyone's soul. But let's not linger here. In Opportunity, WA, and everywhere else across this beautiful country, fire damage is a reality that many must face. And it takes many forms. Some people experience the aftereffects of smoke and, themselves, become smoke-free in the process of cleaning up. Others deal with fire-damaged parts of their home that are more than just singed good-byes and hellos to a limited-use world. At PuroClean, our fire damage restoration process is precise, and it works. But it's a process.
You might be wondering how exactly we go about making all this happen. Well, when it comes to fire damage, each home has a different tale to tell. Perhaps your living room carpet has turned to a sooty shade of gray, or your kitchen tiles have seen much hotter days. We get into the nitty-gritty of those details, working our way through the severity of the various types of damage. And from there, we carve out a path of which we think might be the best and most economical for the homeowner. One thing is for sure, though: going after stubborn smoke residue requires a very different set of tactics than what might be used on charred woodwork. In some instances, the good old rag and bucket will suffice, while in others, we'll need to employ either wall cavity cleaning or some other smoke-scent neutralizing method.
Let's not overlook the necessity of fire restoration that entails more than just the mundane tasks of patching and cleaning. The experiences some of our clients go through are challenging enough without being faced with the difficult decisions surrounding their most cherished belongings. Be it private photo albums holding images of people and places you love or your sofa, with its years of worn-in comfort and memory, choosing what to salvage often feels like an emotional trial. We try to help clients through that process, and we even provide some pseudo-therapy, if you will, in the course of carrying out our pseudo-counseling mission.