When water in your home or business acts up, causing the kinds of problems that can range from leaky roofs to surprise deluges, it’s difficult not to feel slightly overwhelmed. Picture this: you wake up and, with your first step, instead of the soft embrace of a carpet, you’re met with the sharp, shocking cold of water sloshing around your feet. Whether it’s a pipe that decided to burst or an aggressive rainstorm that’s making a surprise appearance, it’s good to know just what kind of emergency water situation you’ve got.
We think of those first moments in the midst of a water debacle as pivotal—where quick thinking and even faster action can sometimes turn a chaotic scene into a calm one. Of course, the scene we’d all prefer is a home or business that’s completely dry inside, no matter what the weather is like outside. So here’s our go-to guide for identifying the kinds of surprise water problems that hit way too close to home.
To start, distinguish between seeing the slow drip, drip, drip of a persistent, sneaky leak or encountering mighty indoor rainstorms courtesy of sudden plumbing fiascos. A slow leak might lurk like a shadow, quiet and easy to forget until it isn't. On the other hand, a bursting pipe can be as dramatic as a firework show in the middle of your living room, demanding immediate attention. For those living in Spokane Valley, dealing with water damage might not be a daily endeavor, but when it happens, identifying the issue can save you heartache—and your favorite pair of shoes! Let's offer some insights into attacking these two common water nuisances.
Spotting the signs of water damage can be your lifesaver. Drips or stains, which seem like a minor nuisance, often hide unsightly mold parties behind walls or under floors. And while we don’t want to crash their little shindig, it’s necessary for your health and home. If you do see signs of water damage, or mold, act fast. You can probably still eliminate whatever is causing the problem before it establishes a foothold in your home. Here’s how: Take a walk through your home, and look for these red flags.
Urgent Water Damage Restoration Spokane has ways to help you identify what was happening when the signs appeared. And once we untangle the mystery, we can help you restore your space to a healthy state.