Residing in Spokane Valley means you might sometimes find yourself navigating through a messy water-mishap aftermath, unexpectedly, and with no pleasure. Rains, snows, and busted pipes can cover your living space, indoors and out, with water that needs to go somewhere else. If it were to calm down and start freezing again, we could argue that Spokane Valley has a winter-water wonderland. But that's not the case, really. Water is just water. And when it finds its way into places it shouldn't be, we call upon elite teams to restore our hope and space to what it was before, indoors or out.
When you're dealing with water damage, you're probably picturing a reality TV star in the heat of dramatic renovation, ripping up soggy carpets and tossing furniture aside. The truth is, when it comes to effective flood restoration, there's a lot more to it than just water removal.
Most important: What kind of water are you even dealing with? Clean water from rain is one thing, but if that flooding has turned into gray water (run-off from your dishwasher, say) or, even worse, black water (think sewage), the stakes are a whole heck of a lot higher, and for good reason.
It's not just about ensuring the water is gone; it's about the space being safe and secure for you and your family. After all, most of us wouldn't want to live in a moldy, half-finished wreck of a house.
We understand that when you are up to your knees in something bad, the last thing you want is a cookie-cutter solution. Try envisioning each flood as a new kind of puzzle — one that's not quite as maddening as it is unique and requiring of all the attention to detail you can muster. You might need basic water extraction, or possibly more advanced techniques like structural drying and dehumidification. Regardless, what you need to understand is what your space and your belongings really require (and what they don't) so that you can go ahead and reclaim your home with a lot less hassle and stress and a lot more peace of mind.