Living in Spokane means you're always on the lookout for those delightful, unforeseen moments, right? But an unexpected flood in your basement? That’s not the sort of surprise anyone hopes for. Basements, while will always harbor cool secrets, sometimes hold the unwanted kind too, like water damage. Whether it’s a relentless rain that sneaks in or a freaking pipe that burst, your basement demands more than a mop and a bucket and whatever sort of good cleaning up you might be able to do under a fluorescent light. Try doing it someone’s way whose name might rhyme with Okay-Linda. Ever been in a basement with a former swimming pool? We’re not even kidding. Now, that’s a secret we don’t want any part of.
If you're sitting there scratching your head and thinking, what's next? You're not alone. It's a mistake that many Spokane residents make, thinking all types of water damage require the same solution. But just like a pine tree and a lemon tree have different needs when it comes to soil, different types of water problems have different repair solutions. Sometimes, it's about getting rid of that musty smell because your house has some corners that are too damp; other times, it might be something that's threatening the structural integrity of your house. Remember when Tom over on the next street just thought it was really humid air but it turned out he needed a new sump pump and a full trench? Knowing afresh what kind of fix is right can save you from that embarrassing walk back to the store when you think you've bought everything you need and then some.
Making choices can be tough, but how do you go about picking the perfect plan for your drippy domicile? Well, for starters, you must perform a sincere self-inquest—an inspection that would be the basis of any good plan, kind of like the good you would do yourself if you were buying a used book, giving it the once-over to make sure it had no little hidden defects, like a leaky basement. Then, based on your findings, you would range across a continuum of possible fixes, from simple surface coatings to some serious structural remediation. It ain't cheap, and there aren't any good shortcuts.
Think of this as a good part of your personal story. With the expertise of our local authors and guides, we promise you an end with minimal fuss and a happy chapter that offsets any tears from the leaky basement storyline.